Hope everyone has a fantastic 2020, and that from 2019 you only carry the good memories!

For W-143 2019 was a great year. Of course there were fumbles, like that Top Model Alfa and the Hippie 917 upgrade. Oh, and of course, the fiasco of the decade: Photobucket 🤬. It’s been two weeks (TWO WEEKS!) and I still can’t see the photos in my account. That I payed for. But whatever, all my photos are hosted elsewhere now and those jerks will never get a cent from me again.

But if I do the math, the year closed in a VERY positive note. There were all the 917s and the Merc 300 SL. And the fantastic Büssing-NAG! And of course the two best grail models of the year for me: the W25 and the 917K/81. But if I had to pick the model of the year, I think I would choose the W25, just because I never thought I would get one.

So if 2020 is just half as good as 2019, it’s gonna be a great year again!


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