Auto Union Typ A Rennlimousine “Lucca” – Minichamps

1934 Auto Union Typ A Rennlimousine "Lucca"
Pilot: Hans Stuck 
Team: Auto Union 
Race: 1935 land speed record attempt 
Minichamps - 410352000 (diecast)

Published 07/04/18

In 1933, with the ascent to power of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the motorization of Germany became a priority. And following the wave of enthusiasm with the new regime, one month later Mercedes-Benz decided to get back to racing. Unfortunately though, top-level racing wasn’t cheap, even back then. So Daimler`s top brass got in touch with the Transport Ministry and secured a government sponsorship for their racing program. Fresh out of the oven Auto Union accordingly saw the benefits of this. World-class racing generated good publicity, so they also asked for a slice of the pie.

Even from the rear it looks like it was made for speed.

With direct influence from Ferdinand Porsche himself, and with Adolf Hitler’s blessing, the government agreed to divide the money between both manufacturers. With that, Auto Union also got into the game. But what to do if you want to race but don’t have a race car? You buy one. So Auto Union bought Porsche’s designing firm and his “P-Wagen” project. And that’s how Auto Union’s racing program started.

That little axle coming out of the rear is where the external start motor was linked to the engine.

With Porsche at the head of the new racing department, Auto Union produced their first Grand Prix car, the Typ A. It was a direct descendant from the P-Wagen and had, for the period, some unusual characteristics. Most important of all, the engine was located behind the pilot. It was a very complex supercharged 4360 cm³ V16 that produced almost 300 hp. Porsche designed a VERY stiff ladder chassis, with an also stiff suspension system. Those traits caused a lot of oversteer, making the Typ A a true handful on the track.

The 11yo in me says the Lucca is an airplane without wings.

The Typ A won three GP races and quite a few hill climb races in 1934. However, to face Mercedes-Benz W25 in the 1935 Grand Prix season, the car would need further development. So in late 1934 Porsche started working on its replacement, the Typ B. Furthermore, Auto Union also wanted to attempt land speed records, like Mercedes-Benz. Thus, in early 1935, a Typ A (not a Typ B) received the modifications for record attempts. Auto Union’s idea was to use a streamlined body covering a regular Typ A chassis and engine. To make the car more aerodynamic it also had an aircraft-type all-enveloping cockpit. And it also counted on aerodynamic fairings behind the wheels, with the rear wheels being totally closed.

Add two wings up front and a tail fin and I’m sure it can fly off.

In 1935 this Rekordwagen broke the International Class C (3 to 5 liters) record for the flying mile. With Hans Stuck on the wheel, it achieved an outstanding 320.267 km/h. That shattered Caracciola’s earlier record aboard the W25 Rennlimousine in late December 1934. The record attempt took place at the Florence-Viareggio Autoestrada near, Lucca, Italy. As a result, the new car became known as the Typ Lucca.

Not the most handsome Silberpfeil, but beside the W25 the Lucca becomes gorgeous.

That day the W25 Rennlimousine lost the C Class record, though it kept the title of ugliest Silberpfeil. Come on, I love my Silberpfeile, but that W25 is plain darn ugly. But I digress, back to the Luca. In 1:43 terms the Typ Lucca is a terrific model from the chaps at Paul’s. They recreated the car very well in scale. Even so, taking into consideration the subject matter, I doubt it will be a much popular model. So if you’re not into LSR cars or Silberpfeile this is probably not for you.

4 thoughts on “Auto Union Typ A Rennlimousine “Lucca” – Minichamps”

  1. Allow me to friendly disagree with you: W25 rekord mule is, IMHO, a functional, smart, untemporal, and purposeful rolling sculpture.
    Many tks for your site

      1. Good Lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean,
        needs not the painted flourish of your praise:
        Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye,
        Not utter’d by base sale of chapmen’s tongues
        “Love’s Labours Lost”
        (W. Shakespeare, 1588)

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